

Kisee is an API giving JWTs in exchange for valid usernames/password pairs. That’s it.

Kisee is better used as a backend of the Pasee identity manager: Pasee handle groups and can handle multiple identity backends (one or many Kisee instances, twitter, facebook, …).

Kisee can use your existing database (or use a dedicated one) to query the username and passwords if you’re willing to implement a simple Python class to query it, so Kisee can query anything: LDAP, a flat file, a PostgreSQL database with a strange schema, whatever.

The backend interface

The backend class used by Kisee must implement the kisee.identity_provider.IdentityProvider ABC, meaning the following methods like:

async def identify(self, username: str, password: str) -> Optional[User]:
    """Identifies the given username/password pair, returns a dict if found.

By implementing the backend ABC, you can make your kisee instance use your own backend: your own database schema, or anything storing your usernames and passwords.

To use your backend, specify it in settings.toml like this:

  class = "impart.path.to.your.backend.Class"
    no = "option required"

The options dictionary will be passed as a options parameter of your backend. This is were you store typically the hostname, username, and password of your database if any, or path of your backend file, whatever needed.