

To install dev dependencies, create a venv and run:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .
cp example-settings.toml settings.toml

And run kisee in development mode using:

adev runserver kisee/


The Kisee daemon does not store (username, password) tuples, but uses a Python class, a backend you can choose in settings.toml to handle the actual storage..

Kisee provides some demo backends and test backends so you can play with them. You can provide your own backend to hit your own database, your LDAP server, or another IdP as needed.


Our version scheme is calver, specifically YY.MM.MICRO, so please update it in kisee/ (single place), git tag, commit, and push.

Then to release:

git clean -dfqx
python -m build --sdist --wheel .
twine upload dist/*